Bc. Jana Bouzková

Physical Therapist, Hořice, Czech Republic

Expert opinion on healthy sitting continues to evolve, leading to a range of different, sometimes contradictory recommendations. There is, however, broad agreement on the neurophysiological basis of movement. Humans are generally born with the potential for proper motor development, which, if allowed to take place, minimizes painful conditions. The basic requirement for such development is regular physical activity. The anatomy, physiology, and neurology of the human body are built on the expectation of regular, rhythmic, continuous physical motion. If these needs are sufficiently neglected, the body tends to make suboptimal substitute motions with poor muscle timing. If allowed to become permanent habits, over time they lead to painful problems. Many only realize at this point that change is needed. The optimal solution is to restructure one’s motor habits, which takes time. A faster option is to at least improve the quality of existing habits.

The easiest way to change sitting habits is to use a suitable chair and pay attention to workplace ergonomics. A well-configured, well-selected chair allows the body to assume a posture that dynamically stabilizes the spine and enables proper postural function of the diaphragm and optimal use of back and neck muscles. Such a posture minimizes the ergonomic strain and physical force on the spine. Assuming the desk height, monitor height etc. are properly adjusted as well, pain resulting from musculoskeletal overloading should be absent.

Adaptic chairs offer the kind of adjustability needed to find an optimal sitting position and also come with a large bonus in the form of the spring-mounted seat. Any posture, no matter how optimal originally, will eventually deteriorate if maintained long enough, as the nervous system cannot maintain constant adjustments on its own. The slightly unstable seat on an Adaptic chair allows minute repetitive motions, which continuously reset the various axial segments of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine and its linkage to the pelvis, to a stable position. Such dynamic sitting enables constant low-level use of the neck, back, and spinal muscle groups and associated proprioceptive mechanisms, allowing for optimal, non-strenuous use of muscles, joints, and ligaments.

An Adaptic chair helps maintain optimal posture even in long-term use. The slight instability of the seat allows the body to maintain greater stability itself. The tilting seat allows for constant small, non-distracting motions that improve posture without having to get up from work.