All About Hip and Pelvis Trouble
Expert articles, effective exercises and advice on hip and pelvis problems
Articles on hip and pelvis
Not only for our customers, we prepare regular articles enriched with tips and expert advice from doctors on various health-related topics.
Exercises on hip and pelvis
Together with physiotherapy experts, we have put together a set of simple exercises that you can practice at home or in the office.
Experts Answered on hip and pelvis

Does running strengthen the pelvic floor?
I suspect my pelvic floor muscles may be loose. Aside from exercising, can easy jogging help?
Thanks for answering, Jana

Hello Jana,
certainly! Like any other physical activity, jogging improves overall fitness, including of the pelvic floor. Caution is recommended for women after childbirth and in menopause, men after prostate surgery, the overweight, and those with no history of exercise activity.
It's best to start with fast walking; you can use Nordic walking poles if you like. Compared to running or jogging, this produces fewer mechanical shocks, which for the untrained can be more trouble than the running is worth.
You can read more about the pelvic floor in this physical therapy article I wrote.