Mgr. Vojtěch Šenkýř
Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer
I am a physical therapist and personal trainer. In the hospital and in the gym, I mainly rely on the Kolář DNS technique. I'm currently also learning the Vojta technique.
Briefly About Me
What I love about my work are the concrete results I can see every day in the improvements in my patients' quality of life.
I organize the FyzioDen professional conferences in Brno, where leading Czech physical therapists meet and share their knowledge. At the Brno University Hospital, I currently mainly work in telerehabilitation and vertebrogenic algic syndrome, so I am keenly interested in healthy sitting. I also greatly enjoy teaching physical therapy at Masaryk University. My hobbies include sports, reading, and fishing.
- 2009 – 2011: Master's in Physical Therapy, Palacký University School of Physical Culture, Olomouc, Czech Republic
- 2006 – 2009: Bachelor's in Physical Therapy, Palacký University School of Health Sciences
Professional History
As Physical Therapist
- since 2018: Senior Physical Therapist, Inpatient Ward C, Department of Rehabilitation, Brno University Hospital (link in Czech)
- 2017 – 2018: Physical Therapist, Brno University Hospital
- 2012 – 2017: Physical Therapist, Medifis Clinic, Zlín
- 2011 – 2012: Physical Therapist, Olomouc Military Hospital
As Personal Trainer
- since 2017: Personal Trainer, AZ Fitness Brno
- 2015 – 2017: Personal Trainer, Fitness Hala
As Faculty
- since 2017: Guest Lecturer in Physical Therapy, Masaryk University School of Sports Studies, Brno
Professional Training Courses and Physical Therapy Techniques
- Vojta Technique, RL – Corpus training team & Motol University Hospital
- Healthcare Management and Organization course, NCONZO training team
- DNS FIT KID, Mgr. Urbářová, Mgr. Ptáková
- Neurac A, Mgr. Alice Hamáčková
- Nutrition Specialist, Mgr. Martin Jelínek
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Mgr. Petra Bastlová, Ph.D.
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Facilitation (Kolář Technique), Prof. Kolář & DNS training team
- Fitness Trainer course, Ronnie.cz trainer school
- Medical Taping Concept, Lucie Krestová
- Diagnosis and Therapy of Functional Musculoskeletal System Disorders, Eva Janíková
- Maxtaping, Vendula Szlarová
Other Activities
- Co-founder of www.fyziomama.cz (in Czech)
- 3rd place in Czech startup contest “My First Million”, with the project “Fyziotrenér” ("PhysioTrainer") (2015); 2nd place with “FitKid” (2017)
- Organizer of FyzioDen Brno conferences (held at Brno University Hospital Projection Hall)
- Enthusiastic teacher of physical therapy at Masaryk University
FyzioLife podcast – brief interviews with physical therapists and other experts in rehabilitation and related fields, mostly from Brno University Hospital. Listen to FyzioLife on Spotify (in Czech)
Fitness, jogging, fishing, reading
Answered Questions

Rehabilitation after carpal tunnel surgery
what is the rehabilitation regimen after carpal tunnel surgery?

the regimen is individually set by your surgeon and the physician or physical therapist in charge of your rehabilitation. Generally it consists of gradually exercising the hand and wrist back to full mobility. After the stitches are removed, the first phase is relaxing the area of the scar, mobilizing the fingers, and practicing low-power grabbing motions to reduce swelling. Once the surgeon gives clearance, the patient may begin putting weight (leaning) on the hand and exercising with light weights or a resistance band. In some cases, laser resurfacing may be used to reduce the prominence of the scar.
You can read our carpal tunnel article for more information.

Exercises to treat carpal tunnel syndrome
is it possible to cure carpal tunnel syndrome solely through exercise?

assuming the condition is in its early stages and the primary cause of wrist overloading is removed, a suitable exercise regimen can reduce or even completely eliminate carpal tunnel symptoms. The more advanced the condition is, the less likely it will respond to exercises alone.
You can read more about carpal tunnel exercises in my article.

Carpal tunnel and massages
can massage help with carpal tunnel syndrome?

massages are generally pleasant, and reduce stress as well as muscle tension; lymphatic drainage massages even reduce swelling. For all these reasons, massage can certainly be helpful in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome. Assuming the primary cause of the syndrome is eliminated, massage combined with rehabilitation can also help treat its early-stage forms.
You can read more about carpal tunnel syndrome in my detailed article.

Does running strengthen the pelvic floor?
I suspect my pelvic floor muscles may be loose. Aside from exercising, can easy jogging help?
Thanks for answering, Jana

Hello Jana,
certainly! Like any other physical activity, jogging improves overall fitness, including of the pelvic floor. Caution is recommended for women after childbirth and in menopause, men after prostate surgery, the overweight, and those with no history of exercise activity.
It's best to start with fast walking; you can use Nordic walking poles if you like. Compared to running or jogging, this produces fewer mechanical shocks, which for the untrained can be more trouble than the running is worth.
You can read more about the pelvic floor in this physical therapy article I wrote.