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We are the Adaptic in-house healthy sitting team. We develop new Adaptic therapeutic products and help customers choose the right one for them.
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Getting the right chair is a good first step toward avoiding or relieving back pain and reducing the likelihood of developing chronic conditions.
An essential part of this is the proper use of spinal muscles (m. spinalis), a part of the wider group of the muscles of the back. These muscles are supposed to flex and relax as the body moves around, taking on part of the dynamic load, but with a sedentary lifestyle and bad posture are often not able to.
Another source of back pain is the spinal cord. Severe damage to this vital part of the nervous system can lead to paralysis of the limbs, but even much milder damage can cause problems. Spinal disc protrusion is a milder form of spinal disc dislocation wherein the disc temporarily buckles out of its intended position between vertebrae, and is a common cause of pain in the spinal area, often accompanied by numbness and motor disorders of the limbs. If left untreated, disc protrusion can progress to even more severe conditions.
The spine is the primary physical support of the torso. Viewed from the side, it is S-shaped. With normal function, the various components of the spine distribute static and dynamic loads evenly and provide the standard full range of pain-free motion.
Adaptic tilting-seat therapeutic chairs help the spine maintain its proper S-shape and thus distribute loads optimally among the various vertebrae and discs. Standard chairs and even fixed-seat ergonomic chairs tend to only enable postures in which one or a few discs are overloaded. These then tend to buckle out of alignment, causing the disc protrusion problems described above.
Sitting on an Adaptic tilting-seat chair allows the spinal muscles to work as intended, flexing and relaxing as needed to help distribute loads. This reduces the pressure on the lumbar spine, helping prevent the development of painful conditions or reducing or even eliminating existing ones.
We are the Adaptic in-house healthy sitting team. We develop new Adaptic therapeutic products and help customers choose the right one for them.
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