Strengthens deep core stability muscles

At the core of the torso lie the deep core stability muscles of the spine (DCSM), a group of muscles which support the spine in its load-bearing function. DSCM muscles are found deep within the torso, underneath the surface back muscles. Due to their position, these muscles cannot be exercised easily, but Adaptic chairs can help here as well. The stability of the spine depends to a considerable extent on the paravertebral muscles. These consist of a surface muscle group, which is palpable under the skin around the spine and can be exercised through physical activity, and a deep muscle group, which is key in stabilizing the spine but can generally only be exercised in certain postures. Adaptic tilting seats enable such postures, allowing the activation of a cascade of musculoskeletal functions, including the use of deep spinal muscles, surface muscles of the back and deep forward cervical flexors (neck muscles), and further interactions between the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, and pelvic muscles.
Another way to visualize the DSCM is this: The lower lumbar area is a kind of Achilles heel of the body and a site of frequent acute or chronic pain. This is because the lumbar spine bears the weight of the torso (and head) in most situations. Although the vertebrae and discs in this area are the most robust, they are not enough to support the torso. The function of the DSCM, then, is to transfer the loading forces between the upper and lower parts of the body, functioning similarly to a piston system. Imagine the abdominal area as a cylinder or cushion with an upper and lower piston. The “walls” of the cylinder would be the flat abdominal and lumbar muscles and the anterior face of the lumbar spine. The bottom “piston”, which is the less mobile one, consists of the pelvic muscles, the inside of the pelvis, and the bottom-most section of the abdomen. The more mobile upper piston is the diaphragm, which is used in breathing. This postural mechanism can transfer loads from the chest area directly to the pelvis, bypassing the lumbar spine. Assuming the muscles forming the “piston” are in good condition, they can share the load that would otherwise be borne almost entirely by the spine. This abdominal piston becomes more important when bending forward, particularly when combined with rotation of the torso. If the participating muscles are weak, undue pressure on the spine may result, leading to a variety of painful conditions.
The proper use of the deep core stability muscles of the spine (DCSM) is necessary to prevent overloading the spine. Adaptic therapeutic chairs have spring-mounted tilting seats which help strengthen these crucial muscles. The static seats of common office chairs and most other ergonomic chairs only allow use of some muscles to maintain posture, which leads to their overloading. This can cause sudden-onset acute or chronic pain.